Use the Font Awesome Icons (Font Awesome Free v5.11.2) in your HTML forms. (1544 icons) Font Awesome(v5.11.2) required
CSS <link rel="stylesheet" href="/IconPicker/dist/fontawesome-5.11.2/css/all.min.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/IconPicker/dist/iconpicker-1.5.0.css"> JavaScript <script src="/IconPicker/dist/iconpicker-1.5.0.js"></script>
HTML <button type="button" id="GetIconPicker" data-iconpicker-input="input#IconInput" data-iconpicker-preview="i#IconPreview">Select Icon</button>
Initialize // Default options IconPicker.Init({ // Required: You have to set the path of IconPicker JSON file to "jsonUrl" option. e.g. '/content/plugins/IconPicker/dist/iconpicker-1.5.0.json' jsonUrl: null, // Optional: Change the buttons or search placeholder text according to the language. searchPlaceholder: 'Search Icon', showAllButton: 'Show All', cancelButton: 'Cancel', noResultsFound: 'No results found.', // v1.5.0 and the next versions borderRadius: '20px', // v1.5.0 and the next versions });
Run // Select your Button element (ID or Class) IconPicker.Run('#GetIconPicker');
Run - with a callback function (v1.4.0 and next versions) // Select your Button element (ID or Class) IconPicker.Run('#GetIconPicker', function() { // a callback function after than an icon selected on the list. } );
Form Example
A "Hidden" or "Text"(display:none; etc.) type of Input Element to set a "Font Awesome icon classname" and post with Form
Form Post